03. Lesson Outline and Data

03 Data And Lesson Outline RENDER V2

Check out the FashionMNIST dataset, here.

Animation of FashionMNIST clothing images, grouped by class in 3D space. (Original image [from the dataset repository](https://github.com/zalandoresearch/fashion-mnist) )

Animation of FashionMNIST clothing images, grouped by class in 3D space. (Original image from the dataset repository )


Look at the steps below to see how pre-processing plays a major role in the creation of this dataset.

Pre-processing steps for FashionMNIST data creation.

Pre-processing steps for FashionMNIST data creation.

A note on Workspaces

As you go through the exercises in this section, please make sure your workspace is up-to-date. There is a button on the bottom-left of every workspace that will have a small red icon appear when an update is available. You may need to select this button and type Reset data to get the latest version of workable code. These updates only happen occasionally, for example, when a new version of PyTorch is released!